First Look

Little Cleo a Nice Little Fishing Spoon

Discover the Little Cleo fishing spoon. This classic spoon is versatile and affordable making it perfect for catching largemouth bass and trout. You will fall in love with its shape and quality right out of the box.

Square Perch Affordable Lipless Crankbait

First look at the perch imitation lipless crankbait from VtaVta. It's an affordable crankbait for everyday use that won't break your bank. Checkout if it's a hidden gem or a quirky addition to your tackle box?

Tansung Bullet Sinkers - A Sustainable Alternative

Tansung Bullet Sinkers, a green alternative to lead. They're safe for nature, stylish and well-made. Offering all the benefits without the environmental drawbacks of lead sinkers.

The Stylish Cotton Cordell Super Spot

Learn about the stylistic Super Spot from Cotton Cordell. Check out what makes this crankbait such a cool and stylish lure that's a must-have for every fisherman's tackle box.

South Bend Voltage Spin Fishing Reel

At a first look the Voltage Microlite Spin Fishing Reel by South Bend seems to be a quality, nice looking spinning reel at a bargain price. The colors are not as metallic as seen on other photos.

Yakima Original Rooster Tail Spinner

The spinner looks and feels like a quality spinner. The body has a dark green color that fades into a bright orange. The blade is attached to the body by a fine wire which allows it to spins around freely.

Strike King Series 3 Crankbait

This is a medium diving crankbait which dives about 6 to 8 feet deep. It comes with a rattling ball inside and when shaken you can definitely hear the ball inside make some noise.

Berkley Powerbait Salmon Egg Trout Bait

Berkleys Salmon Egg Trout Bait is a moldable putty that can be transformed into bait balls perfect for trout fishing. Learn how it works and why anglers love it.